Thursday, November 29, 2007

Keepin' it crisp

So here's Ryan's or should I say Elder Barton's latest.

oh man, this week has been awesome, where to start?
first off i guess i better tell mom she better have a happy freakin' birthday.
as for christmas honestly some mountain dew and some socks is all i need.
Megan, Elder Thomas's father was one of my bishops in Airdrie, he is now the stake president of north Calgary smart man
so this week was awesome, saturday was spent on an exchange with a zone leader, we had so many awesome experiences and taught so many lessons that day it was amazing, we played ping pong with ukranians, talked to this kid (21) who pretty much told us he feels way good when we're around and he wants to be baptized, from congo, real cool, strong church connections in Winnipeg.
transfers are next week, word on the street is that I'm staying in Brooks to train a new missionary, we'll see I guess so I'll write on tuesday next week.
today we are in medicine hat with tthe zone for p-day, gonna go curling...sweet.
quote of the week..."there's too many churches in this town, need more liquor stores!"
"would that really make you happy?"
"bottle of vodka would make me would at least make me dance..."
-Jim, crazy drunkard
I see miracles, the Lord is blessing me every day!
that's really all the time I got this week, keep it crisp
love ya'll, Elder Barton

Seriously love that kid.

So I'm glad to see we've had some successful posts. Let's keep it up.
I want to wish Mom and Steve a Happy Birthday yesterday! Keep on kickin it!
Kelly, my mom just called tell me that she just watched Bear eat a spider in the desert and he said that there was an explosion of puss in his mouth. Gross.

As for me I'm just trying to get to the end of the semester. Hopefully I make it.

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