Thursday, November 29, 2007

I think the world has ended

I had to take a moment and make sure the world was still spinning. I can't believe that Grandma Pat was writing a blog. That is impressive to say the least. Heather thanks for forwarding Ryan's e-mail . It is great to read about the motherland.
Laurie thanks for the update on Nick. Good to hear he is doing well. Maybe he should stay away for the O.J. I am sure his companions would appreciate it.
If someone has the schedule for the holiday festivities and could forward that along we would love to be able to schedule the events into the calender. Have a great weekend. See ya soon.

Keepin' it crisp

So here's Ryan's or should I say Elder Barton's latest.

oh man, this week has been awesome, where to start?
first off i guess i better tell mom she better have a happy freakin' birthday.
as for christmas honestly some mountain dew and some socks is all i need.
Megan, Elder Thomas's father was one of my bishops in Airdrie, he is now the stake president of north Calgary smart man
so this week was awesome, saturday was spent on an exchange with a zone leader, we had so many awesome experiences and taught so many lessons that day it was amazing, we played ping pong with ukranians, talked to this kid (21) who pretty much told us he feels way good when we're around and he wants to be baptized, from congo, real cool, strong church connections in Winnipeg.
transfers are next week, word on the street is that I'm staying in Brooks to train a new missionary, we'll see I guess so I'll write on tuesday next week.
today we are in medicine hat with tthe zone for p-day, gonna go curling...sweet.
quote of the week..."there's too many churches in this town, need more liquor stores!"
"would that really make you happy?"
"bottle of vodka would make me would at least make me dance..."
-Jim, crazy drunkard
I see miracles, the Lord is blessing me every day!
that's really all the time I got this week, keep it crisp
love ya'll, Elder Barton

Seriously love that kid.

So I'm glad to see we've had some successful posts. Let's keep it up.
I want to wish Mom and Steve a Happy Birthday yesterday! Keep on kickin it!
Kelly, my mom just called tell me that she just watched Bear eat a spider in the desert and he said that there was an explosion of puss in his mouth. Gross.

As for me I'm just trying to get to the end of the semester. Hopefully I make it.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

This is so exciting. I can't wait to see if I am doing this correctly. Grandpa and I just spent a wonderful few days with the Barton family. It brough back so many memories of traveling with all of you kids when you were small...driving down the road singing and playing games. Taking trips with grandma and all that Jazz. Made me realize once again what I already knew but tend to take for granted is that family is everything. Raising strong children in the gospel is a gift and an opportunity that we should all contribute to and put first and formost on our priority list. I am grateful for a family that supports and helps each other. For the love that we share. Thank you for all that you do for and are to us. We love you all more than you will ever know.


I am finally a blogger!! Thanks, Heather, for setting this up. It's going to be awsome! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday. The latest word from Nick is that he loves the MTC, he's too busy to be homesick, and he's not sure yet if there are sedatives in the mashed potatoes or not (but the orange juice gives him gas). Thanks, everyone, for all of your support as he was getting ready to go. It sort of makes me happy the absolute maximum amount of times I might have to go through this is two. Love you all. Have a great week.



Hello Everybody,
It sounds like most of you had a great holiday weekend. I unfortunately was stuck at work. It would have been fun to watch the football game on Chris's beautiful new plasma. The wrong team won but there is always next year. Chris thanks for putting the video of the boys. It always cracks me up to see stuff like that.
Kelly we are huge discovery channel geeks at our house. Man vs. wild is a pretty cool show but
I like Survivor man better because he is truly all by himself out in the sticks and he is Canadian.
Not a whole lot going on with Vince and I. We had several of my family members over for Thanksgiving and we cook the full on feast. It was good and always fun to hang out and eat and watch movies.
Vince and I just had our 5 year anniversary on Friday. Hard to believeit has been that long already. Seems like yesterday that we were eating dinner at the Grand America. We are going to San Diego this weekend for a friends wedding and to do a little celebrating. That means I won't be at the sister's lunch on Saturday but I will be thinking of all of you.
I am grateful for all of you and all that you do. Have a great week.


Gma in the House

I am an online machine!!!!

Utes & Cougs

Thank you all for coming to our house for the game and for bringing all the food and treats. I hope everyone had a great time. - Chris

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Why I love Football

Hi Fam -

One of the many things I am thankful for is for football. Even though my Utes lost today in another heartbreaker, they looked so cute in their little outfits doing it.

Heath...great idea with the whole family blog thing. I will be sure to submit any updates on my life. The unfortunate thing is most of the time the only exciting thing I have to talk about usually involves something I saw on the Discovery channel or who got voted out of Survivor. Speaking of...have any of seen that Man Vs Wild on Discovery? How I have come to love that show. I hate all things nature related, but from watching that cute little British man go through survival situations has been incredibly enlightening. I know how to build several shelters, find South using a puddle, leaf and small piece of medal, determine which berries are edible from bear droppings, fight off the effects of dehydration and exposure while journeying through the Sahara and how to fend off elephant attacks. Who says TV is not educational.

Love you all!


Friday, November 23, 2007

BYU vs Utah

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. Evan was very excited to eat turkey. Apparently that's what Thanksgiving is all about!

Anywho since Gma and Gpa are in San Diego some of the gang is coming to my house for the BYU vs Utah game. All are welcome. I believe the game starts at noon. Feel free to show up early. I must warn you in advance that I will be rooting for BYU, however, all Ute fans will be treated with love and respect. If you haven't been to my house before the address is 4184 Open Crest Drive in South Jordan 84095. You can get a map if you google the address. Sandra is making the family favorite pretzel salad so that might persuade you to come.

I also attached video of Evan and Ashton playing soccer. Evan scored his first goal this year but he says defeating the giant Patrick on the Sponge Bob video game is more rewarding.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

thanksgiving eve

I just read Heathers thankful list, so I thought, it being Thanksgiving eve, I would join in on the thankful game.
I'm thankful for:
having a roof over my head
my kids
shea (especially when he is around)
my family
"simple" shoes
I would be glad for urban outfitters at the gateway, but I never get to go to the mall. And when I do go to the mall, I have to go where the kids want to go. Heather, maybe we could have a grown up day and go there one day.
I am so excited for the Holiday Season. What a great time to be alive!
Everyone have a great Thanksgiving and Bartons, and grandpa and grandma, have a wonderful time in San Diego. I'm jealous.
Love you all, Carrie

Happy Thanksgiving!

So so far this hasn't been that successful of a project, however I just sent an email that with a bit of an explanation in it, hopefully we can get this baby off the ground. I challenge all of you to post something by the end of the month. In honor of the holiday I just wanted to share some of the things I'm grateful for:
Holidays (i.e. breaks from school)
The new Urban Outfitters store in the Gateway
Southern California
a brother who is serving a mission
pumkin chocolate chip wedding cake (my friend Laura got married yesterday)
my health
good friends
my family
the gospel of Jesus Christ
So there you go...Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Heather I think this idea is really cool. Thanks for setting this up and it couldn't have been any easier. It was sure good to see everybody on Sunday and to have Thanksgiving dinner.
It has been awhile since I have been able to have that meal with you guys. I missed the
thankful game. Sorry I am always such a baby. I look forward to seeing you all at Nick's farwell.
