Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hat Pins

The other night I went to a baptist choir concert entitled "Tapistry of African American Spirituals." To be honest, I was so excited to see black people I could hardly stand it. Living in old SLC is wonderful but how I wish for a little diversity. Anyway, me and my friend get to the Cathedral and which white person after white person come filing in. You got it...the choir was white. I was so disappointed. Listening to a bunch of white people sing Swing Low just does not have the same effect.

Anyways, while there we saw several woman wearing pretty extravagant looking hats. Definately the kind that you would need a hat pin for which made me wonder about the hat pin. Now, at some point why didn't woman everywhere say, no, you cannot stick that huge needle in my head just so I can wear this hat. I understand that it was socially appropriate and fashionable to wear them and so I understand the social pressure to stick one on there. But what I don't understand is why woman throughout history are under to look and act certain ways. Even know. Everything tells us how to look, dress, eat, ect. I say no more!!!! So, here is my cry to woman everywhere...remove the hat pins from your life! Love who you are! Celebrate your womanhood without giant needles pinning things to your body! Know that you are fabulous just because you are YOU! (guys can think this too of course.)

Okay, I feel better after saying this so please excuse me while I go burn my bra.

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